Wednesday 24 August 2016


"Success is not an event , it's a thought process.."

- Sandeep Maheshwari


" Zindagi khatm ho jati hai

Bahane khatm nahi hote..

Zinhe karna hota hai kuch zindagi mein..

Wo bahano mein yun zindagi nahi khote.."

- Rythum Verma


" The trick to succeed is to stick to the good habits for long enough and leave the bad ones soon enough.."

- Rythum Verma


" Worship your work and the results will follow.."

- Rythum Verma

Sunday 31 July 2016

The Odds

" Its not about the odds, its about how you even."

- Rythum Verma

Monday 11 May 2015


" The mind acts like an enemy for those who don't control it."

- Bhagavad Gita

Sunday 10 May 2015

Manzil to mil hi jaegi

"Manzil to mil hi jaegi... 

Bhatak kar hi sahi...

Gumhrah to woh hai jo ghar se nikle hi nahi..."

- Author Unknown