Monday 9 February 2015

The Butterfly

Nature has its own impeccable way of teaching us some beautiful lessons for life. Butterflies are so tiny and fragile, yet one of the most beautiful creations of God. Butterfly is a combination of two words - butter and fly. Hence, their name itself specifies their ultimate purpose in life and i.e to fly. But are they born with the wings they need to be able to fly? 

A butterfly has four stages in its life cycle. A butterfly first starts out as an egg. Butterfly eggs are protected by a hard- ridged outer layer of shell. About five days after the eggs are laid, a tiny worm like creature called the caterpillar hatches from the egg. A caterpillar grows really fast because they eat a lot. After the caterpillar is done growing it develops a pupa around it, inside which the caterpillar changes into a butterfly. 

But the butterfly has to struggle a lot to come out of the cocoon. This struggle period is what catapults it into a magnificent butterfly it was destined to become. Its a law of nature that the struggle to come out of the cocoon actually helps develop and strengthen the butterfly's wings. If we skip this struggle period, the butterfly will die and hence will never be able to fly.

These little living beings teach us one of the biggest lessons, that trials in life can be tragedies or triumphs, depending on how we handle them. Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. 

The trials of life do not come to destroy us but to give us wings to fly

Rythum Verma

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